New news with regions
1. From the left menu, select "News -> New news".
2. On the first tab, add news (1 Attributes), fill out the status of [do czego służą różne statusy newsa?], the type of news [what is the consequence of selecting the type of news?], language [w jaki sposób później stworzę tego samego newsa w innych językach?], urgency [what is the field "urgency" of news?], the date of publication [do czego służy to pole?], alternatively, the expiration date of the news [kiedy używać tego pola?] and signature. Select whether the news is to be shown on the main page [a co jeśli nie zaznaczę?] and in newsletter [jak działa ta opcja?].
3. Click "Next" and go to "2. Media ".
4. Use the "Add new annex" to start jCMS file manager that allows you to add an additional annex to the news [w jakim celu używać mediów do newsa?][czy mogę dodać wiele plików naraz?].
5. Go to the "3. Content ". Fill in the title, introduction and content of news.
6. The next step is to assign category to the created news. This can be done in the "4. Categories ".
7. To do this, from the category list, select the one you want to connect to the news. [Why connect categories to the news?]
8. Go to the "5 Regions", where we choose the region to which you want to assign news.