* BLOG_REGISTRATION_MESSAGE_NEWS_ID - News identifier representing the message system for registering blog
* BLOG_REGISTRATION_PAGE_CSS - The page code that contains the style sheet to the registration page blog
* CMS_NEWSLETTER_HOST - Host images to absolute addresses in messages sent through the system newsletter
* CMS_STANDALONE - stand alone CMS ?
* EXTERNAL_FIELD_PAGE_CODE - the page that contains the sample code popup
* EXTERNAL_FIELD_POPUP_HEIGHT - external height of the popup box
* EXTERNAL_FIELD_POPUP_WIDTH - external width of the popup box
* jpalio.cms.firstRun - stores a value that indicates whether this is the first run CMS for this instance jPALIO
* jpalio.cms.layout.css.jQueryUiCss - media to the main jQuery UI CSS code. See
The value of a template built in the topics. Cms.layout.css.jquery.ui temat] [nazwa-ui.css .jquery
Built in the topics: the default ...
* jpalio.cms.layout.css.mainCss - page code for the main CSS
* jpalio.cms.logoutPageCode - page code after logout
* jpalio.cms.main.cats.changesHandlerObject - Object code that is executed when the changes have been reported in categories. Null means "do nothing".
* jpalio.cms.main.cats.enableAdvancedOptionsConfig - Enable / disable the advanced configuration category
* jpalio.cms.main.cats.enableTraslation - Enable / disable configuration of the translation category
* jpalio.cms.main.cats.hideCodeField - Y - Hide filed to set the category code automatically generated when you create the prefix linking (based on the path to the category and name)
Pole N - Show filed with code and let manually set the code
* jpalio.cms.main.cats.manualOrderManagement - N - order of the categories is controlled by the layout of the buttons,
Y - order of the categories will be controlled by the optional field on the form category
* jpalio.cms.main.conf.enableKeys - Enables / disables the translation management
* jpalio.cms.main.conf.enableLanguages - enable / disable languages management
* jpalio.cms.main.conf.enableParameters - enables / disables the management parameters
* jpalio.cms.main.conf.enableRoles - enable / disable management roles
* jpalio.cms.main.conf.enableThumbnails - enables / disables the management types thumbnails
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableAccountModule - enable / disable accounts module
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableAdsModule - enable / disable the advertising module
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableConfigurationModule - enable / disable configuration module
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableDevelopmentModule - enables / disables the module developement
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableEditorialModule - enables / disables the editorial management
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableExportModule - enables / disables the export module
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableImportModule - enable / disable the import module
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableLocaleModule - enables / disables the local unit
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableNewsletterModule - enables / disables the module newsletter
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableNewsModule - enables / disables the module news
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableStructureModule - enables / disables the module structure
* jpalio.cms.main.home.enableWmdModule - enables / disables the module WMD
* jpalio.cms.main.home.homePageContent - object code containing the contents of the home page. The default value is null main page content.
* jpalio.cms.main.home.menuItems.customModuleContent - object code module containing the custom menu. Null - no custom menu module.
* - Enables / Disables the "urgent"
* - Limit category assigned to the article yet. If the setting is empty = no limit.
* - N - lack editor WYSIWYG ,
S - simple editor WYSIWYG,
F - advanced editor WYSIWYG
* - N - lack editor WYSIWYG ,
S - simple editor WYSIWYG,
F - advanced editor WYSIWYG
* - Enables / disables adding media when creating a message
* - You can set the status of the creation story
* - sets the news on the home page (the creation)
* - You can add news to the creation of the newsletter
* - Enables / disables editing card in the news category
* - Enables / disables the history tab in editing news
* - Enables / disables the keywords tab in the editing news
* - enables / disables the card recently searched news
* - enables / disables the media card in editing news
* - enables / disables editing card relationships news
* - enables / disables editing regions card news
* - style: S - sample
A - advanced
* - the minimum number of assignments password for news, so that keyword is treated as a popular and is inserted into the table "W_MOST_POPULAR_KEYWORDS"
* - Enable / disable the activation process messages. If this option is enabled, only users with the required privileges can change the status of the active article yet..
* - code of the page on which the user will be redirected when you select "Preview"
* jpalio.cms.version - version jPalio CMS
* - ID of the page that displays information about the User. The page will be opened in a popup window.
* - height of the window displaying user information
* - width of the window displaying user information
* jpalio.wmd.user.quota.sql - SQL query that returns the user quota size
* NEWSLETTER_ACTIVATION_PAGE_CODE - page code to activate the newsletter
* NEWSLETTER_DEACTIVATION_PAGE_CODE - page code to deactivate the newsletter
* NEWSLETTER_PASSWORD - newsletter password
* NEWSLETTER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_CODE - Code page containing the newsletter preferences
* NEWSLETTER_REGISTRATION_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_NEWS_ID - News identifier representing the message system for subscription confirmation
* NEWSLETTER_REGISTRATION_MESSAGE_NEWS_ID - News identifier representing the system message concerning the registration of the newsletter
* NEWSLETTER_REGISTRATION_PAGE_CSS - Code page containing the stylesheet to the registration page newsletter
* NEWSLETTER_SENDER_ADDRESS - address from which you are sending the newsletter
* NEWSLETTER_SMTP_HOST - the address of the sending SMTP host
* NEWSLETTER_USERNAME - login to the address of the sender newsletter